Friday, January 20, 2012


God bless the person who thought to put bike racks on buses.

When you think to yourself "I should wear my ski jacket today", you should probably actually do it.  I have established that pea coats are useless about seven times this winter.

Kate is less of a wuss than I am and biked back in the snow.  To be fair, I was nowhere near properly dressed.

On the way TO work, a man stopped next to me on Western Avenue, rolled down his window, and said, "Man, you must be cold."  Yes sir, thank you, I was.

On the way home FROM work/a friend's/getting off the bus, this guy commented "I've never understood how people do that" as I took my bike off the rack.  Is it really that hard?  Am I missing something?

Snow is pretty.  Sort of wishing I had been wearing proper attire and biked home like a non-wuss.

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